Voilà selon Apple:
Information about free downloading of the September 2001 Developer Tools (for use on Mac OS X version 10.1) will be coming soon. The September 2001 Developer Tools, including Project Builder 1.1 and the other development/performance/UI tools, ship on a separate CD inside the Mac OS X version 10.1 box. Thus, everyone who buys a full copy of Mac OS X also receives a free copy of the Developer Tools.
Information about free downloading of the previous May 2001 Mac OS X Tools Update, including Project Builder 1.0.1, can be found here.
Donc un peu de patience, mais il parait qu'il du progrès au point de vue de l'interface sinon je n'en sais pas plus a noté que la verion de May marche très bien (enfin on peut lancer Project Builder et compagnie sans probleme)