Oki pour transformer le psd en png, par contre il n'est pas nécessaire de booter sur classic pour faire la manip...
You need to logout as user or admin and login again as root.
Go to /System/library/CoreServices
Control-click the item 'Dock' and select 'Show Package Contents' .
Go to /Contents/Resources, make a backup copy of the file "poof.png"
and then drag the new file "yourpoof.png" into
Rename it to "poof.png"
Restart the dock or login again as user to use the new poof.
You will need to have root access or sudo each of these.
cd /Volumes/RealPoof/10.2/
cp realpoof.png /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/Resources/
cd /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock.app/Contents/Resources/
mv poof.png poof-bu.png
mv poof-bu.png ~/Desktop/
mv yourpoof.png poof.png
Restart the dock or login again as user to use the new poof.
La première manip fonctionne sans problème, je n'ai pas essayé la seconde, à vous de voir...