Je veux juste partager ma misere avec vous ...
Voila la reponse de mon PDG au sujet du renouvellement de mon laptop personnel, un powerbook, que j'utilise au bureau en renfort de ma station de bureau obsolete...Mon patron a decide sans probleme d'upgrader mon ordi...mais...
There are some significant issues with our infrastructure and systems that rule
out MACS as an option. As you need to be on our network we should identify the
best PC laptop that meets your needs and ours. We would then order this so you
use this machine at home and when you are in the office doing away with the thin
client which as you agree has limitations. Can you please talk this through
further with Mike once he gets over this office renovation bit.
J'ai beau explique que meme si ca coince avec mac osx, j'utiliserai Windows, l'informaticien persiste a dire que c'est pas possible....Je suis peut-etre stupide, mais pour moi un mac faisant tourner Windows, c'est pareil que n'importe quelle marque de Pcs...non???
J'ai meme proposer de le payer moi-meme cet ordi!! Meme ca, ca ne marche pas!
Voila la reponse de mon PDG au sujet du renouvellement de mon laptop personnel, un powerbook, que j'utilise au bureau en renfort de ma station de bureau obsolete...Mon patron a decide sans probleme d'upgrader mon ordi...mais...
There are some significant issues with our infrastructure and systems that rule
out MACS as an option. As you need to be on our network we should identify the
best PC laptop that meets your needs and ours. We would then order this so you
use this machine at home and when you are in the office doing away with the thin
client which as you agree has limitations. Can you please talk this through
further with Mike once he gets over this office renovation bit.
J'ai beau explique que meme si ca coince avec mac osx, j'utiliserai Windows, l'informaticien persiste a dire que c'est pas possible....Je suis peut-etre stupide, mais pour moi un mac faisant tourner Windows, c'est pareil que n'importe quelle marque de Pcs...non???
J'ai meme proposer de le payer moi-meme cet ordi!! Meme ca, ca ne marche pas!