<blockquote><font class="small">Posté à l'origine par Le Gognol:</font><hr />
Ce soft est excellent mais est-ce qu'il y a moyen de baisser un chouillle le bruit thermonucléaire ?
Bon j'ai trouvé la solution sur le forum de l'éditeur de l'application :
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
-- You can now turn off the sounds EscapePod uses, should
you so desire. Launch Terminal, then paste this text in to turn
escapepod's sounds off:
defaults write com.ambrosiasw.escapepod "Play sounds" '<false/>'
-- If you *really* don't want escapepod to display its splash
screen when it launches, you can turn this off as well. Launch
Terminal, then paste this text in to turn escapepod's splash
screen off:
defaults write com.ambrosiasw.escapepod "Display splash" '<false/>'
</pre><hr />