Bonjour à tous,
Est-ce que quelqu'un a eu des problèmes d'affichages avec Panther et ces cartes?
En effet d'après Apple ( http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=25582 ) certaines Cartes nVidia GeForce MX 2 & 4 avant Mars 2003 pouvait ne pas être compatible?!
Merci pour vos éclaircissements.
Ma configue: Powermac G4 933 Mhz 768 Mo de Ram - Carte GeForce MX 4 et Panther qui est en route pour chez moi
J'ai trouve cette solution sur le forum apple:
I found a solution - at least one that allows the card to work, but I am not sure that QE is functioning. I am not getting the Cube effect in User Switching and I can not use the QE test app - as it sez it requires Mac OS X 10.2.
Anyway - this will get you up and running with the Apple GeForce 4MX. All you have to do is copy the following files from an older System install (Jaguar).
I am not sure all these files are needed - but I copied them and it works fine. If anyone can chime in on if they are all needed or not...
You will need to be root to copy the files/dir above. Using the terminal is the easiest way:
cd /System/Library/Extensions
# create backup of new Nvidia drivers
sudo tar -czvf AppleNDRV_panther.tgz AppleNDRV
sudo tar -czvf GeForce_panther.tgz GeForce*
# copy files from older system dir to here
# Assuming older system dir is located as in archive/install scenario
# e.g. older system is here /Previous Systems/Previous System 1/
cp -pr "/Previous Systems/Previous System 1/System/Library/Extensions/AppleNDRV"
cp -pr "/Previous Systems/Previous System 1/System/Library/Extensions/GeForce*"
Just tested with Panther compatible Quartz Extreme check app (located here "http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/#quartzextremecheck") and it is showing QE not activated using above procedure.
Est-ce que quelqu'un a eu des problèmes d'affichages avec Panther et ces cartes?
En effet d'après Apple ( http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=25582 ) certaines Cartes nVidia GeForce MX 2 & 4 avant Mars 2003 pouvait ne pas être compatible?!
Merci pour vos éclaircissements.
Ma configue: Powermac G4 933 Mhz 768 Mo de Ram - Carte GeForce MX 4 et Panther qui est en route pour chez moi
J'ai trouve cette solution sur le forum apple:
I found a solution - at least one that allows the card to work, but I am not sure that QE is functioning. I am not getting the Cube effect in User Switching and I can not use the QE test app - as it sez it requires Mac OS X 10.2.
Anyway - this will get you up and running with the Apple GeForce 4MX. All you have to do is copy the following files from an older System install (Jaguar).
I am not sure all these files are needed - but I copied them and it works fine. If anyone can chime in on if they are all needed or not...
You will need to be root to copy the files/dir above. Using the terminal is the easiest way:
cd /System/Library/Extensions
# create backup of new Nvidia drivers
sudo tar -czvf AppleNDRV_panther.tgz AppleNDRV
sudo tar -czvf GeForce_panther.tgz GeForce*
# copy files from older system dir to here
# Assuming older system dir is located as in archive/install scenario
# e.g. older system is here /Previous Systems/Previous System 1/
cp -pr "/Previous Systems/Previous System 1/System/Library/Extensions/AppleNDRV"
cp -pr "/Previous Systems/Previous System 1/System/Library/Extensions/GeForce*"
Just tested with Panther compatible Quartz Extreme check app (located here "http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/#quartzextremecheck") and it is showing QE not activated using above procedure.