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Membre supprimé 2

salut tt le monde!

puis installer MAC OSX sur mon antiquitté
(POWER PC MAC 4400/200MHZ 160MO de memoire vive)
est ce que je pourrais lire mes logiciels qui etaient sous mac OS8.5 ?
est ce qu'il y a risque de plantage?

[06 mai 2002 : message édité par e.francisco]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Geneva">quote:</font><HR>Posté à l'origine par vm:
g3 ou g4 pour os x
ca ne marche pas sinon

ça ne concerne pas vraiment e.francisco, mais tu seras peut etre interessé de savoir que os X tourne aussi sur 604.
.... mais bon, je ne parle pas des performances

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Geneva">quote:</font><HR>While Apple has limited its support for Mac OS X to those machines that originally came with a G3 or G4 processor, it is possible to install Mac OS X on some earlier machines. The unsupported machines that work now are the 7300, 7500, 7600, 8500, 8600, 9500 and 9600, as well the clones that were based on one of these systems (the Umax S900 and J700, and the Power Computing PowerWave and PowerTower Pro). The original processors in these machines will work (with the exception of the 7500, which requires a processor upgrade). G3 or G4 upgrade cards work as well. Other models that use the PCI architecture may be made to work in time. Version 2.2b1 of XPostFacto adds beta-level support for the original Powerbook G3, the 3400, and probably the 2400.