Pomme-Tab à modifier

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Membre expert
Club iGen
3 Août 2001
1 569
Je travaille sur illustrator et j'essaye la Version X sous OSX . Le finder sous X reconnait par défaut la commande "Pomme-tab" comme un ordre pour basculer de l'application vers une autre ouverte.
Hélas c'est la même commande sur Illustrator qui permet de passer flèche noire-flèche blanche, commande dont je fais une utilisation intensive. Naturellement je n'arrive pas a trouver où je peux changer ce quickey dans le finder pour ne pas me retrouver sur itunes ou word quand je veux avoir ma flèche blanche dans illustrator.
Donc pouvez vous m'indiquer comment faire, soit pour modifier le quickey soit pour l'annuler ? Merci
Je en sais pas si il y a un soft pour changer les raccourcis clavier du finder, mais une méthode a été donnée sur Mac OSX Hints.

When you use the Finder's shortcuts often, you may want to change some of them to better suit your needs. For example, I did not like the shortcut for the 'back' button in a Finder window. By default it is command [, and I wanted to change this to command B' which is the current shortcut to hide or show the toolbar.

Read the rest of the article for a quick how-to on editing Finder shortcuts...

[Editor's caution: Although not overly difficult, if you're not yet comfortable with the terminal, root privileges, and UNIX file permissions, I would recommend holding off on this hint. You do not want to mess up key files used by the Finder! I have not tried this hint myself.]

The Finder shortcuts are stored in a 'Localized.rsrc' file, and that is in binary format, so you will need HexEdit or another hex editor. You can change the shortcuts in this way:

1. Open a terminal window and become the root user by typing su. Enter your root password when asked.

2. CD to the location of the file and make a backup for safekeeping:

% cd /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app
% cd /Contents/Resources/English.lproj/
cp Localized.rsrc Localized.bak

3. Copy the file to another location so you can modify on the copy:

cp Localized.rsrc ~/Desktop/

4. Modify the permissions on the desktop copy of the file:

chmod 777 ~/Desktop/Localized.rsrc

5. Leave the terminal window open and then switch to the Finder and open the file in HexEdit to search (command+F) for the command you want to change.

6. Replace the value with a key you wish to use; values will look something like this:

New Finder Window . N

Replace the character(s) after the shortcut name(s) with the one(s) you like.

7. Save the file & switch back to the terminal then copy and overwrite the original while resetting the permissions:

cp ~/Desktop/Localized.rsrc Localized.rsrc
chmod 644 Localized.rsrc

8. Log out or restart the machine