Problème mise a jour drivers nvidia pour jouer a BF3


Membre enregistré
9 Octobre 2011

mon message est en anglais (copy/paste poster aussi sur et mais je suppose que tout le monde comprendra:

en gros j ai installé windows 7 - bootcamp 4.0 et je n arrive pas a updater les drivers nvidia pour avoir les derniers (beta) pour jouer a BF3

est ce que quelqu un a une idée du probleme et comment le resoudre?

MERCI BEAUCOUP pour votre aide

"Hi everyone,

I'm sorry to start again a topic that in my view has been treated many times, in many forums but HAS NOT been solved so far...I looked over many forums over the week end and tried a number of "tricks"

I'm running Windows 7 Pro Sp1 32bits on a MacbookPro 17 - intel core duo with two graphic cards but for better performance running the Nvidia GeForce 9600m GT
I have installed Windows 7 this week and then Bootcamp 4.0 - thus i have now Bootcamp drivers, ie 261.41

I have installed Battlefield 3 which asked me to update drivers to at least 285.27
I downloaded them from Nvidia site 285.27 AND 285.38 (m version - notebook) but when i start the indatllation i get the message "hardware not comptatible"

So far i have tried 1) to install non-beta older versions but higher than 261.41 (which is by the way only available on bootcamp) - it does not work 2) uninstall nvidia drivers, restarting windows with VGA driver and install newest nvidia drivers - it does not work;

What i have not tried (as it was not clear on other forum): 1) replace an INF file? - i did not understand what i have to do here 2) update other drivers? mobility? ATA? - i'm not sure what people were talking about here?

SORRY MY MESSAGE IS LONG BUT I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP - and want to play battlefield 3 that i pre bought by the way... ;-)
Jeu sur Mac Jeu sur Mac. Si, il y a des jeux sur Mac OS X ! La preuve dans ce forum.
Pour les jeux sous Windows (via Bootcamp, Crossover etc... ), voir le forum "Windows sur Mac".

Hop hop hop, on déménage :)
Merci pour le déménagement...
Bon voici la marche a suivre pour résoudre mon problème - elle est rédigée en anglais car je l'ai postée sur d'autres forums (apple, nvidia notamment) - merci pour votre aide précieuse, merci notamment a edd72


I make this post as I found a way to solve my issue and this could be interesting to other people:

1. Download the latest nvidia drivers (285.38) on nvidia website:

2. Launch the .exe it will unpack the package in one folder: most likely NVIDIA/DisplayDriver/285.38/WinVista_Win7/International

3. Your installation will be cancelled through "hardware not compatible" - no worries you still have the unpacked stuff.

4. Go to and click on "Click here to download the modified INF file." on the bottom - this will download a file called nvwi.inf - copy it

5. Go to the unpacked folder and go to the folder named Display.Driver - paste the nvwi.inf - it will replace the actual one

6. On the root folder (International) click on setup and you will be allowed to install the drivers - note that i have accepted during installation two times that it install drivers not "allowed by windows" (different topic)

Hope this helps.