Securite Reseau....


Membre actif
11 Décembre 2005
Sheffield (UK)
Salut ,

Je viens de faire des verifications virus et reseau sur mon PC et du coup sur mon iBook...

Le PC est OK par compte, j'ai ca sur le MAC:
The Hacker Exposure Check tests whether ports commonly used by Internet applications are open, closed, or stealth Understanding your results:

An open port responds to port probes and acknowledges the port's availability. Open ports are dangerous because they're an easy and attractive means of entry for hackers.

A closed port is visible but not open to attack. Although this is a safe state, a hacker can use closed ports to detect the existence of your computer and potentially target it for attack.

A stealth port is safest of all. Stealth means your computer doesn't respond to port probes and you are virtually invisible to hackers scanning the Internet for potential targets. Although this is a very safe result, a stealth port may cause performance problems for some Internet applications.
Your Results:

Ping. Ping is a network troubleshooting utility. It asks your computer to acknowledge its existence. If your computer responds positively to a ping, hackers are more likely to target your computer.

21 FTP (File Transfer Protocol). FTP is used to transfer files between your computer and other computers. Port 21 should be open only if you're running an FTP server.

80 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). HTTP is used to transfer Web pages over the Internet. Port 80 should be open only if you're running a Web server.

407 Timbuktu. Timbuktu is remote control software. If port 407 is open, hackers could remotely take control of your computer.

497 Retrospect backup. Retrospect backs up files over TCP/IP networks. When port 497 is open, Internet users could remotely download files from your computer.

548 Apple File Sharing. Apple File Sharing allows Macintosh computers to share files with other Macintosh computers over the network. This port should never be open except on local networks. If this port is left open, hackers could easily gain access to your files.

1417 Timbuktu Service 1 (Control). Timbuktu is remote control software, and port 1417 is used for a Timbuktu Service called Control. If port 1417 is open, hackers could remotely take control of your computer.

1418 Timbuktu Service 2 (Observe). Timbuktu is remote control software. Port 1418 is used for a Timbuktu Service called Observe. If port 1418 is open, hackers could remotely take control of your computer.

3031 Program Linking. Program Linking allows Macintosh applications to communicate over the network. This port should never be open except on local networks. If this port is left open, others could run applications on your computer.

FileMaker Pro. FileMaker Pro is a very popular cross-platform database application. This port should only remain open if you are running a FileMaker Pro database.

Vous en pensez Quoi??? comment est ce que je peux amelirer la securite de mon Mac????
Ce n'est pas vraiment un problème. En fait tu ne devrais pas t'en soucier, pour de multiples raisons.

Mais si tu es comme moi parano sur la sécurité:

Pomme > Préférences système > Partage > onglet Services
décoche toutes les cases, car si une case est cochée le port correspondant est automatiquement ouvert dans le firewall (dans ton cas "Partage web personnel" doit être activé)

Puis, dans la même fenêtre, onglet "Coupe-feu" > bouton "Avancé", et finalement il te faudra cocher la case "Activer le mode furtif", et si tu n'utilises aucun logiciel nécessitant l'UDP (principalement les jeux en réseau, le P2P et certaines messageries), la case "Bloquer le traffic UDP".