Webcam et MacOS X : du nouveau !!


Membre actif
24 Octobre 2000
Bonjour à tous. Etant l'heureux possesseur d'une webcam philips (vesta) je m'intéresse de près au portage de son driver sur le nouveau système d'apple.
Et pour l'instant il faut bien dire que philips traîne un peu les pieds malgré l'envoi massif de mails de la part d'utilisateurs de leurs produits
. L'espoir aurait pu venir de ce site où l'auteur développe indépendamment, mais avec l'accord de philips, des drivers pour linux (voir également une traduction française de cette page). Mais personne n'a pour l'instant eu le courage ou le temps d'essayer de traduire ces drivers pour MacOS X.

Il existe cependant un éditeur de driver indépendant, ioxperts, qui a développé un driver universel pour un certain nombre de webcam FireWire sous MacOS X, dont on peut télécharger une version d'essai à cette adresse.
Je les ai contacté et voici les 2 mails (plein d'espoir
) qu'ils m'ont renvoyé :

"We're starting with DCam drivers because there is a standard and cameras from a number of vendors which follow that standard.

We've written many of the classic Mac OS drivers that come with Philips web cams. So we'd definitely like to bring those drivers to Mac OS X. But at this point in time we don't have anything to announce.

However, if you want something quickly, we'd recommend buying a FireWire DCam camera and a copy of our software.

We've got a mailing list which will be used for to announce betas for additional cameras when they become available. Just send mail to [email protected] to get on the list, or check our web site occasionally.

Dave Koziol
IOXperts, Inc."



Philips has not committed to funding a USB video driver for Mac OS X or any further updates to the 9 drivers. It is very likely, however, that IOXperts will develop a Mac OS X driver (and possibly a "Pro" driver for classic Mac OS) with Philips' permission but no financial support.

This is not an official public announcement, and we can't give you timetables at this point. However, of the USB cameras we can support, the Philips chip set is one of the easiest as well as having a very large installed base.

We're very interested in your views on the desired feature set and what you think users would be willing to pay for a third-party Mac OS X driver as this will help determine if the project is feasible. We are also considering providing USB audio drivers for Mac OS 8.6->9.x using PCI upgrade cards, as well as support for a number of other devices. We're quite open to suggestions.

We are setting up an announcement mailing list for people who are interested in our progress on USB drivers. Let me know if you'd like us to add you to it.

Thanks for writing."

Donc tous les espoirs sont permis. A suivre ...

[07 novembre 2001 : message édité par peji78]

[07 novembre 2001 : message édité par peji78]