on run {input, parameters}
set chemin to input as alias
tell application "Finder"
make new folder at ((path to home folder) as string) with properties {name:"compilation"}
make new folder at ((path to home folder) & "compilation" as string) with properties {name:"la_selection"}
set chemin_compilation to ((path to home folder) & "compilation:") as string
set chemin_selection to ((path to home folder) & "compilation:la_selection:") as string
set chemin_pageblanche to ((path to home folder) & "pageblanche.pdf") as string
set les_fichiers to files of chemin
repeat with chaque_fichier in les_fichiers
set nom to name of chaque_fichier as string
if nom contains "eleve" and nom contains ".pdf" then
if nom contains "ACTIVITES - ELEVES - Chapitre Complet.pdf" then
duplicate chaque_fichier to chemin_selection
end if
end if
end repeat
set la_selection to chemin_selection as alias
set les_fichiers to files of la_selection
repeat with le_fichier in les_fichiers
set nom to name of le_fichier
if not (exists chemin_compilation & "la_compilation.pdf") then
duplicate le_fichier to chemin_compilation
set anciennom to chemin_compilation & nom as alias
set name of anciennom to "la_compilation.pdf"
duplicate le_fichier to chemin_compilation
set anciennom to chemin_compilation & nom as alias
set name of anciennom to "suite.pdf"
set fich to ((path to home folder) & "compilation:la_compilation.pdf") as string
set fich to quoted form of POSIX path of fich
set NP to do shell script "/usr/local/bin/exiftool -pagecount " & fich
set NP to word 3 of NP
if NP mod 2 is not 0 then
set leblanc to chemin_pageblanche as string
set leblanc to quoted form of POSIX path of leblanc
set nouveau to ((path to home folder) & "compilation:nouveau.pdf") as string
set nouveau1 to quoted form of POSIX path of nouveau
set lenew to fich & " " & leblanc
do shell script "'/System/Library/Automator/Combine PDF Pages.action/Contents/Resources/join.py' --output " & nouveau1 & space & lenew
do shell script "rm " & fich
set nouveau to nouveau as alias
set name of nouveau to "la_compilation.pdf"
end if
set le2 to ((path to home folder) & "compilation:suite.pdf") as string
set le2 to quoted form of POSIX path of le2
set nouveau to ((path to home folder) & "compilation:nouveau.pdf") as string
set nouveau1 to quoted form of POSIX path of nouveau
set lenew to fich & " " & le2
do shell script "'/System/Library/Automator/Combine PDF Pages.action/Contents/Resources/join.py' --output " & nouveau1 & space & lenew
do shell script "rm " & fich
do shell script "rm " & le2
set nouveau to nouveau as alias
set name of nouveau to "la_compilation.pdf"
end if
end repeat
set fich to ((path to home folder) & "compilation:la_compilation.pdf") as string
set Chapitre to word 1 of nom
set renom to (Chapitre & " - ACTIVITES - ELEVES - Chapitre Complet.pdf") as string
set fich to fich as alias
set name of fich to renom
set fich to ((path to home folder) & "compilation:" & renom) as string
set fich to fich as alias
move fich to chemin with replacing
set efface to ((path to home folder) & "compilation:") as string
set efface to quoted form of POSIX path of efface
do shell script "rm -Rf " & efface
end tell
tell application "Finder"
(display dialog ("waouou ... Ca y est c'est fait !") buttons {"Salut !"})
end tell
return input
end run