-bash-3.2# diskutil ; df -H
Disk Utility Tool
Utility to manage local disks and volumes
Most options require root access to the device
Usage: diskutil [quiet] <verb> <options>, where <verb> is as follows:
list (List the partitions of a disk)
info[rmation] (Get information on a specific disk or partition)
listFilesystems (List file systems available for formatting)
activity (Continuous log of system-wide disk arbitration)
u[n]mount (Unmount a single volume)
unmountDisk (Unmount an entire disk (all volumes))
eject (Eject a disk)
mount (Mount a single volume)
mountDisk (Mount an entire disk (all mountable volumes))
enableJournal (Enable HFS+ journaling on a mounted HFS+ volume)
disableJournal (Disable HFS+ journaling on a mounted HFS+ volume)
moveJournal (Move the HFS+ journal onto another volume)
enableOwnership (Treat as exact User/Group IDs for a mounted volume)
disableOwnership (Ignore on-disk User/Group IDs for a mounted volume)
rename[Volume] (Rename a volume)
verifyVolume (Verify the file system data structures of a volume)
repairVolume (Repair the file system data structures of a volume)
verifyDisk (Verify the components of a partition map of a disk)
repairDisk (Repair the components of a partition map of a disk)
eraseDisk (Erase an existing disk, removing all volumes)
eraseVolume (Erase an existing volume)
reformat (Erase an existing volume with same name and type)
eraseOptical (Erase optical media (CD/RW, DVD/RW, etc.))
zeroDisk (Erase a disk, writing zeros to the media)
randomDisk (Erase a disk, writing random data to the media)
secureErase (Securely erase a disk or freespace on a volume)
partitionDisk ((re)Partition a disk, removing all volumes)
resizeVolume (Resize a volume, increasing or decreasing its size)
splitPartition (Split an existing partition into two or more)
mergePartitions (Combine two or more existing partitions into one)
appleRAID <verb> (Perform additional verbs related to AppleRAID)
coreStorage <verb> (Perform additional verbs related to CoreStorage)
diskutil <verb> with no options will provide help on that verb
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted on
/dev/disk1s1 2.0G 1.3G 715M 65% 316342 174624 64% /
devfs 200k 200k 0B 100% 676 0 100% /dev
/dev/disk3 5.2M 4.3M 918k 83% 1054 224 82% /private/var/log
/dev/disk4 524k 147k 377k 29% 34 92 27% /Volumes
/dev/disk5 524k 143k 381k 28% 33 93 26% /private/var/tmp
/dev/disk6 524k 160k 365k 31% 37 89 29% /private/var/run
/dev/disk7 524k 143k 381k 28% 33 93 26% /System/Installation
/dev/disk8 524k 307k 217k 59% 73 53 58% /private/var/db
/dev/disk9 6.3M 3.5M 2.8M 55% 842 692 55% /private/var/folders
/dev/disk10 2.1M 2.1M 0B 100% 510 0 100% /private/var/root/Library
/dev/disk12 524k 172k 352k 33% 40 86 32% /Library/Preferences
/dev/disk13 524k 180k 344k 35% 42 84 33% /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration
/dev/disk14 1.0M 180k 868k 18% 42 212 17% /Library/Keychains
/dev/disk15 6.3M 176k 6.1M 3% 41 1493 3% /private/var/tmp/RecoveryTemp
/dev/disk2 499G 92G 407G 19% 22352815 99443279 18% /Volumes/Macintosh HD
/dev/disk16s3 1.0T 725G 275G 73% 176914943 67234549 72% /Volumes/My Passport