property templateName : "vierge"
property templateWidth : 600
property templateHeight : 800
property defaultMargin : 50
property textItemInset : 30
property defaultTypeFace : "Verdana"
property defaultTypeSize : 10
tell application "Pages"
-- promput user for images
set theseImages to (choose file with prompt "Selectionner les fichiers à inclure:" with multiple selections allowed)
-- make a new page layout document
set thisDocument to make new document with properties ¬
{document template:template templateName}
tell thisDocument
-- delete the default template items
set locked of every iWork item to false
delete every iWork item
---- add the images to the document, each on its own page
repeat with i from 1 to the count of theseImages
set thisImageFile to item i of theseImages
---- extract any embedded caption metadata from the image file
set thisImageDescription to my extractkMDItemDescription(thisImageFile)
---- make a new page if needed
--if i is not 1 then make new page
if i < (count of theseImages) + 1 then make new page
tell current page
---- import the image
set thisImage to make new image with properties {file:thisImageFile}
---- center the image on the page
tell thisImage
copy {width of it, height of it} to {imageWidth, imageHieght}
set its width to (templateWidth - (defaultMargin * 2))
copy {width of it, height of it} to {imageWidth, imageHieght}
set its position to {(templateWidth - imageWidth) div 2, (templateHeight - imageHieght) div 2}
end tell
----if there is an image description, place over opaque background overlay
if thisImageDescription is not "" then
set thisShape to make new shape with properties {width:(templateWidth - (4 * defaultMargin)), height:90, position:{(2 * defaultMargin), (templateHeight - (4 * defaultMargin))}, opacity:40}
tell thisShape
copy {width of it, height of it} to {shapeWidth, shapeHeight}
copy its position to {shapeHorizontalOffset, shapeVerticalOffset}
end tell
set thisTextItem to make new text item with properties {object text:thisImageDescription, width:(shapeWidth - (2 * textItemInset)), height:(shapeHeight - (2 * textItemInset)), position:{shapeHorizontalOffset + textItemInset, shapeVerticalOffset + textItemInset}}
tell object text of thisTextItem
set font to defaultTypeFace
set size to defaultTypeSize
set color of it to "white"
end tell
end if
end tell
end repeat
end tell
end tell
on extractkMDItemDescription(thisImageFile)
-- use Spotlight to extract embedded metadata
set thisImagePOSIXPath to the POSIX path of thisImageFile
set the embeddedDescription to ¬
do shell script "mdls -name kMDItemDescription " & ¬
(quoted form of thisImagePOSIXPath)
if embeddedDescription is "kMDItemDescription = (null)" then
set embeddedDescription to ""
set the embeddedDescription to ¬
(text from ((length of "kMDItemDescription = \"") + 1) to ¬
-2 of embeddedDescription)
end if
return embeddedDescription
on error
return ""
end try
end extractkMDItemDescription