ddn45 a dit:
Peut être quelqu'un a une idée, le fichier est un .pst
En dehors de l'IMAP, déja évoqué, et qui est LA solution simple & gratuite, je me permets de signaler une autre piste
EMAILCHEMY qui offre de multiples possibilités : "
Current Version:1.5.6 Select Emailchemy Version: What's this
Product Description:
Emailchemy reads email files from the proprietary formats of most popular email applications and converts them to standard formats that any application can use.
Emailchemy currently can read the email files and mailboxes from:
Claris Emailer 1.x for Macintosh
Claris Emailer 2.0 for Macintosh
Mac OS X Mail
Mozilla (and Thunderbird)
Outlook Express 4 and 5 Macintosh
Outlook Express 4, 5 and 6 for Windows
Outlook Express 5 for UNIX/Solaris
PowerTalk/AOCE for Macintosh
QuickMail Pro for Macintosh
QuickMail Pro for Windows
Yahoo! downloaded mail archives
any UNIX-style mailbox (BSD mbox format)
Emailchemy currently can rewrite any of the above formats into:
RFC-822 mailboxes (commonly known as ?mbox? or ?UNIX-style?)
Folders of individual RFC-822 email files (.txt or .eml files)
Comma-separated value files (.csv)
Variations of the RFC-822 mailboxes that are directly usable by Eudora, Mozilla (including Netscape and Thunderbird), and Apple?s Mac OS X Mail
La licence de ce petit bijou coute de 25$ à 2500$, ce qui n'est pas grand chose par rapport à la prochaine facture de Daniel alias DDN45