Rapports de problème à répétition...


G.I Djo
Club iGen
9 Février 2007
1 301
Vallée de la Somme
Salut à tous
je suis sur MBP 17" avant dernière génération, léopard 5.5...
depuis plusieurs mois j'ai de gros soucis avec ma bécane:
d'abord c'était des applis qui quittaient inopinément sans raison apparente, roue de la mort, plantage du finder, barre des menus qui apparait et disparait
puis, plus exotique, le dock qui plante, la souris qui se fige, dashboard quittant inopinément (des widgets disparaissent!!!), rapport de problèmes suite à des plantages: système UI server, quicklook,...
à chaque fois, réparation autorisations, un ptit coup d'onyx, essai sur une autre session admin, virage de pref, hardware test (RAS), reset pram...que sais-je encore? toute la palette y est passé! j'ai même remis la RAM d'origine (2*1 G) mais rien n'y fait...
les applis peuvent planter à tout moment alors qu'au vu de la puissance supposé du MBP, cela ne devrait pas, parfois un simple surf avec safari fait planter la machine, mater un DVD avec front row provoque un kernel panic!, etc etc etc...

je fais quoi là???

en cadeau: une capture d'un des nombreux rapports d'erreur...

Et le disque ? Il est dans quel état ?
Là, moi je réinstalle... en Clean (formatage du disque et tout).

Y'a un moment où se poser des questions n'est plus d'actualité. Si ça recommence : SAV.

oui, ça aussi je l'ai fait dès que j'ai vu que les symptômes persistaient, mais c'est toujours le même souci...

Et le disque ? Il est dans quel état ?

rien d'anormal à ce niveau, bonne réactivité (quand tout va bien!), c'est un 7200 t/m
Je veux dire : test de surface ? test du système de fichiers ?
tente d'appliquer la mise à jour combinée X.5.5, à télécharger directement sur le site Apple.

(cette mise à jour va améliorer la stabilité, la compatibilité et la sécurité de ton Mac et consolider ton OS).

sinon, comme le dit Moonwalker, c'est S.A.V.

Je veux dire : test de surface ? test du système de fichiers ?

avec techtool deluxe, le test de surface est "passé" c'est à dire non réussi, mais je n'en sais pas plus, l'apple hardware test ne détecte rien du tout d'anormal...je l'ai refait 2 fois aujourd'hui

sinon, LHO, j'ai aussi déjà téléchargé cette combo il y a quelques temps...
Ça veut dire quoi : "passé, non réussi" ? :)
Sur ton extrait de crashlog, il y a mentionné Canonical (aka Ubuntu), de même, on remarque Transmission, et ça concerne le widget Translation.

Qu'est-ce que tu as comme modem ?

Tu pourrais nous sortir un rapport correspondant à un Kernel Panic ?
[ => /Library/Logs/PanicReporter ]

oui, c'est le dernier crash en date (hier) ce sont mes widgets qui disparaissent meme si je les réinstalle
je crois qu'onyx a dû effacer les rapports de kernel panic...:rose:

j'ai un modem orange livebox sagem
un autre rapport...
Il n'est pas sûr qu'il ait été effacé, même avec OnyX, va voir en suivant le chemin que j'ai indiqué. J'en ai déclenché un il y a longtemps et il est toujours là.

Sinon, je crois que le SAV s'impose car trop de crash au origines diverses, surtout si tu as déjà fait une réinstallation complète et propre après avoir reformaté ton disque. :rolleyes:
salut je pense avoir le même problème plantage a répétition!!!!

voici une copie de la console d'erreur

09/06/09 11:05:55 Mail[140] Couldn't create QTMovie object
09/06/09 12:54:23 [0x0-0x257257].com.apple.ScreenSaver.Engine[4746] Tue Jun 9 12:54:23 imac-24 ScreenSaverEngine[4746] <Error>: Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment
09/06/09 12:54:23 [0x0-0x257257].com.apple.ScreenSaver.Engine[4746]
09/06/09 17:14:56 [0x0-0x29029].org.mozilla.firefox[393] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 17:15:34 [0x0-0x29029].org.mozilla.firefox[393] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 18:05:44 [0x0-0x29029].org.mozilla.firefox[393] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 18:06:12 [0x0-0x29029].org.mozilla.firefox[393] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 18:08:45 [0x0-0x29029].org.mozilla.firefox[393] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 18:09:40 [0x0-0x29029].org.mozilla.firefox[393] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 18:11:33 [0x0-0x29029].org.mozilla.firefox[393] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 18:11:49 [0x0-0x29029].org.mozilla.firefox[393] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 18:15:47 [0x0-0x29029].org.mozilla.firefox[393] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 18:16:23 [0x0-0x29029].org.mozilla.firefox[393] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 18:16:33 [0x0-0x29029].org.mozilla.firefox[393] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 18:16:34 [0x0-0x29029].org.mozilla.firefox[393] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 18:16:49 [0x0-0x29029].org.mozilla.firefox[393] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 18:36:06 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.google.keystone.daemon[5171]) Exited: Terminated
09/06/09 18:36:07 com.apple.launchd[106] (com.google.keystone.root.agent[5170]) Exited: Terminated
09/06/09 20:41:25 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] fsck_hfs: Volume is journaled. No checking performed.
09/06/09 20:41:25 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] fsck_hfs: Use the -f option to force checking.
09/06/09 20:41:30 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] launchctl: Please convert the following to launchd: /etc/mach_init.d/airport_wps.plist
09/06/09 20:41:30 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] launchctl: Please convert the following to launchd: /etc/mach_init.d/dashboardadvisoryd.plist
09/06/09 20:41:30 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key for boolean: EnableTransactions
09/06/09 20:41:30 com.apple.launchd[1] (org.cups.cups-lpd) Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
09/06/09 20:41:30 com.apple.launchd[1] (org.cups.cupsd) Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
09/06/09 20:41:30 com.apple.launchd[1] (org.ntp.ntpd) Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
09/06/09 20:41:30 com.apple.launchd[1] (org.x.privileged_startx) Unknown key for boolean: EnableTransactions
09/06/09 20:41:40 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] bind(): Address already in use
09/06/09 20:41:40 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.openssh.sshd) Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
09/06/09 20:41:40 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] com.openssh.sshd: Already loaded
09/06/09 20:41:48 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
09/06/09 20:41:48 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[68]) Exited: Terminated
09/06/09 20:41:48 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua[77] launchctl: Please convert the following to launchd: /etc/mach_init_per_user.d/RemoteUI.plist
09/06/09 20:41:48 com.apple.launchd[74] (com.apple.AirPortBaseStationAgent) Unknown key for boolean: EnableTransactions
09/06/09 20:41:48 com.apple.launchd[74] (org.x.startx) Unknown key for boolean: EnableTransactions
09/06/09 20:42:08 [0x0-0x11011].com.elgato.eyetvhelper[108] EyeTV Helper version 2.5 build 266
09/06/09 20:42:27 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] BootCacheControl: could not fetch 286560 bytes of history: Invalid argument
09/06/09 22:08:02 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 22:10:02 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 22:10:25 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 22:10:55 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [Tue, 09 Jun 2009 20:10:55 GMT] FATAL An error occurred trying to check the url on location change.
09/06/09 22:10:55 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [TypeError] aURI is null
09/06/09 22:11:43 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 22:11:58 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 22:13:16 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [Tue, 09 Jun 2009 20:13:16 GMT] FATAL An error occurred trying to check the url on location change.
09/06/09 22:13:16 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [TypeError] aURI is null
09/06/09 22:14:18 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [Tue, 09 Jun 2009 20:14:18 GMT] FATAL An error occurred trying to check the url on location change.
09/06/09 22:14:18 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [TypeError] aURI is null
09/06/09 22:16:28 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 22:20:06 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 22:20:24 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 22:20:43 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 22:23:55 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 22:39:27 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] Debugger() was called!
09/06/09 22:40:40 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [Tue, 09 Jun 2009 20:40:40 GMT] FATAL An error occurred trying to check the url on location change.
09/06/09 22:40:40 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [TypeError] aURI is null
09/06/09 22:44:24 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [Tue, 09 Jun 2009 20:44:24 GMT] FATAL An error occurred trying to check the url on location change.
09/06/09 22:44:24 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [TypeError] aURI is null
10/06/09 07:59:35 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] Debugger() was called!
10/06/09 08:01:04 Software Update[1015] arguments=(null)
10/06/09 08:13:10 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] Debugger() was called!
10/06/09 08:28:35 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [Wed, 10 Jun 2009 06:28:35 GMT] FATAL An error occurred trying to check the url on location change.
10/06/09 08:28:35 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [TypeError] aURI is null
10/06/09 08:28:36 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] Debugger() was called!
10/06/09 08:32:02 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] Debugger() was called!
10/06/09 08:32:33 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [Wed, 10 Jun 2009 06:32:33 GMT] FATAL An error occurred trying to check the url on location change.
10/06/09 08:32:33 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [TypeError] aURI is null
10/06/09 08:34:27 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [Wed, 10 Jun 2009 06:34:27 GMT] FATAL An error occurred when content is loaded.
10/06/09 08:34:27 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [TypeError] doc.location is null
10/06/09 08:34:42 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [Wed, 10 Jun 2009 06:34:42 GMT] FATAL An error occurred when content is loaded.
10/06/09 08:34:42 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [TypeError] doc.location is null
10/06/09 08:57:42 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [Wed, 10 Jun 2009 06:57:42 GMT] FATAL An error occurred when content is loaded.
10/06/09 08:57:42 [0x0-0x26026].org.mozilla.firefox[233] [TypeError] doc.location is null
10/06/09 09:26:42 quicklookd[1221] [QL ERROR] 'Creating preview' timed out for '<QLPreviewRequest /Users/fnacfnac/Library/Mail/[email protected]/INBOX.mbox/Messages/22102.emlx>'
10/06/09 09:27:12 com.apple.launchd[74] ([0x0-0xb00b].com.apple.finder[94]) Exited abnormally: Segmentation fault
10/06/09 09:30:26 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 9 seconds
10/06/09 09:30:26 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[1262]) Exited: Terminated
10/06/09 09:31:15 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[1315]) Exited: Terminated
10/06/09 09:32:56 com.apple.launchd[1] (0x10e280.update_dyld_shar[1376]) Check-in of Mach service failed. PID 1376 is not privileged: com.apple.dyld
10/06/09 09:34:09 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] BootCacheControl: could not open /var/db/BootCache.playlist: No such file or directory
10/06/09 09:34:09 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] BootCacheControl: could not unlink playlist /var/db/BootCache.playlist: Unknown error: -1
10/06/09 09:34:10 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] launchctl: Please convert the following to launchd: /etc/mach_init.d/airport_wps.plist
10/06/09 09:34:10 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] launchctl: Please convert the following to launchd: /etc/mach_init.d/dashboardadvisoryd.plist
10/06/09 09:34:10 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key for boolean: EnableTransactions
10/06/09 09:34:10 com.apple.launchd[1] (org.cups.cups-lpd) Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
10/06/09 09:34:10 com.apple.launchd[1] (org.cups.cupsd) Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
10/06/09 09:34:10 com.apple.launchd[1] (org.ntp.ntpd) Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
10/06/09 09:34:10 com.apple.launchd[1] (org.x.privileged_startx) Unknown key for boolean: EnableTransactions
10/06/09 09:34:17 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] bind(): Address already in use
10/06/09 09:34:17 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.openssh.sshd) Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
10/06/09 09:34:17 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] com.openssh.sshd: Already loaded
10/06/09 09:34:46 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[73]) Exited: Terminated
10/06/09 09:34:46 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua[81] launchctl: Please convert the following to launchd: /etc/mach_init_per_user.d/RemoteUI.plist
10/06/09 09:34:46 com.apple.launchd[78] (com.apple.AirPortBaseStationAgent) Unknown key for boolean: EnableTransactions
10/06/09 09:34:46 com.apple.launchd[78] (org.x.startx) Unknown key for boolean: EnableTransactions
10/06/09 09:35:04 Dock[93] [QL ERROR] Generator database update takes too long... we will use what we currently have
10/06/09 09:35:12 [0x0-0x12012].com.elgato.eyetvhelper[109] EyeTV Helper version 2.5 build 266
10/06/09 09:43:43 [0x0-0x18018].org.mozilla.firefox[128] Debugger() was called!
10/06/09 09:44:07 [0x0-0x18018].org.mozilla.firefox[128] Debugger() was called!
10/06/09 09:44:13 [0x0-0x18018].org.mozilla.firefox[128] Debugger() was called!
10/06/09 09:44:23 [0x0-0x18018].org.mozilla.firefox[128] Debugger() was called!
10/06/09 09:44:34 [0x0-0x18018].org.mozilla.firefox[128] Debugger() was called!
10/06/09 09:44:38 [0x0-0x18018].org.mozilla.firefox[128] Debugger() was called!
10/06/09 09:44:41 [0x0-0x18018].org.mozilla.firefox[128] Debugger() was called!
10/06/09 09:44:45 [0x0-0x18018].org.mozilla.firefox[128] Debugger() was called!
10/06/09 10:03:58 [0x0-0x1c01c].com.apple.systempreferences[157] chown: /Volumes/Time Capsule/.0016cb9dc055: Operation not permitted
10/06/09 10:03:58 [0x0-0x1c01c].com.apple.systempreferences[157] chown: /Volumes/Time Capsule/.0016cb9dc055: Operation not permitted
10/06/09 11:37:54 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[389]) Exited: Terminated
10/06/09 22:16:54 [0x0-0xc60c6].com.apple.systemevents[2115] com.apple.FolderActions.enabled: Already loaded
10/06/09 22:16:57 [0x0-0xc30c3].com.tcltk.wish.amsn[2109] Premature end of JPEG file
10/06/09 22:16:57 [0x0-0xc30c3].com.tcltk.wish.amsn[2109] Premature end of JPEG file
10/06/09 22:22:18 [0x0-0x18018].org.mozilla.firefox[128] Debugger() was called!
10/06/09 22:30:12 iTunes[2181] Initilalized iVisualize
10/06/09 22:36:24 tgInstall[2243] >>NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT OpenGL Engine
10/06/09 22:37:38 tgUpdate[2271] tgUpdate:INIT (0x0)

10/06/09 22:37:39 tgUpdate[2271] tgUpd:init
10/06/09 22:40:20 tgUpdate[2271] Error 70000001
10/06/09 22:40:20 tgUpdate[2271] tgUpdate:DEALLOC (0x0)

10/06/09 22:40:20 tgUpdate[2271] Launching "/Applications/SPORE/SPORE Creature Creator.app/Contents/MacOS/tgUpdate" -psn &
10/06/09 22:40:20 tgUpdate[3092] tgUpdate:INIT (0x0)

10/06/09 22:40:20 tgUpdate[3092] tgUpd:init
10/06/09 22:40:20 [0x0-0xf90f9].com.transgaming.sporecsa[2271] 2009-06-10 22:40:20.540 tgUpdate[3092:10b] tgUpdate:INIT (0x0)
10/06/09 22:40:20 [0x0-0xf90f9].com.transgaming.sporecsa[2271] 2009-06-10 22:40:20.579 tgUpdate[3092:10b] tgUpd:init
10/06/09 22:40:21 tgUpdate[3092] Error 70000005
10/06/09 22:40:21 tgUpdate[3092] tgUpdate:DEALLOC (0x0)

10/06/09 22:40:21 tgUpdate[3092] Launching "/Applications/SPORE/SPORE Creature Creator.app/Contents/MacOS/cider" -psn &
10/06/09 22:40:21 [0x0-0xf90f9].com.transgaming.sporecsa[2271] 2009-06-10 22:40:21.369 tgUpdate[3092:10b] Error 70000005
10/06/09 22:40:21 [0x0-0xf90f9].com.transgaming.sporecsa[2271] 2009-06-10 22:40:21.370 tgUpdate[3092:10b] tgUpdate:DEALLOC (0x0)
10/06/09 22:40:21 [0x0-0xf90f9].com.transgaming.sporecsa[2271] 2009-06-10 22:40:21.371 tgUpdate[3092:10b] Launching "/Applications/SPORE/SPORE Creature Creator.app/Contents/MacOS/cider" -psn &
10/06/09 22:40:21 com.apple.launchd[78] ([0x0-0xf90f9].com.transgaming.sporecsa[2271]) Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 3094 PPID 1 cider
10/06/09 22:40:21 com.apple.launchd[78] ([0x0-0xf90f9].com.transgaming.sporecsa[2271]) Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 3092 PPID 1 tgUpdate
10/06/09 22:40:22 [0x0-0xf90f9].com.transgaming.sporecsa For language 'fr' several language ids were found:
10/06/09 22:40:22 [0x0-0xf90f9].com.transgaming.sporecsa fr_FR - 040C; fr_BE - 080C; fr_CA - 0C0C; fr_CH - 100C; fr_LU - 140C;
10/06/09 22:40:22 [0x0-0xf90f9].com.transgaming.sporecsa Instead of using first in the list, suggest to define
10/06/09 22:40:22 [0x0-0xf90f9].com.transgaming.sporecsa your LANG environment variable like this: LANG=fr_FR
10/06/09 22:40:25 [0x0-0xf90f9].com.transgaming.sporecsa For language 'fr' several language ids were found:
10/06/09 22:40:25 [0x0-0xf90f9].com.transgaming.sporecsa fr_FR - 040C; fr_BE - 080C; fr_CA - 0C0C; fr_CH - 100C; fr_LU - 140C;
10/06/09 22:40:25 [0x0-0xf90f9].com.transgaming.sporecsa Instead of using first in the list, suggest to define
10/06/09 22:40:25 [0x0-0xf90f9].com.transgaming.sporecsa your LANG environment variable like this: LANG=fr_FR
10/06/09 22:46:22 [0x0-0x18018].org.mozilla.firefox[128] Debugger() was called!
10/06/09 22:47:00 [0x0-0x18018].org.mozilla.firefox[128] Debugger() was called!
10/06/09 22:47:27 [0x0-0x18018].org.mozilla.firefox[128] [Wed, 10 Jun 2009 20:47:27 GMT] FATAL An error occurred trying to check the url on location change.
11/06/09 07:26:11 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] fsck_hfs: Volume is journaled. No checking performed.
10/06/09 22:47:27 [0x0-0x18018].org.mozilla.firefox[128] [TypeError] aURI is null
11/06/09 07:26:11 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] fsck_hfs: Use the -f option to force checking.
11/06/09 07:26:15 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] launchctl: Please convert the following to launchd: /etc/mach_init.d/airport_wps.plist
11/06/09 07:26:15 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] launchctl: Please convert the following to launchd: /etc/mach_init.d/dashboardadvisoryd.plist
11/06/09 07:26:15 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key for boolean: EnableTransactions
11/06/09 07:26:15 com.apple.launchd[1] (org.cups.cups-lpd) Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
11/06/09 07:26:15 com.apple.launchd[1] (org.cups.cupsd) Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
11/06/09 07:26:15 com.apple.launchd[1] (org.ntp.ntpd) Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
11/06/09 07:26:15 com.apple.launchd[1] (org.x.privileged_startx) Unknown key for boolean: EnableTransactions
11/06/09 07:26:22 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] bind(): Address already in use
11/06/09 07:26:22 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.openssh.sshd) Unknown key: SHAuthorizationRight
11/06/09 07:26:22 com.apple.launchctl.System[2] com.openssh.sshd: Already loaded
11/06/09 07:26:30 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 3 seconds
11/06/09 07:26:31 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.UserEventAgent-LoginWindow[70]) Exited: Terminated
11/06/09 07:26:43 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua[78] launchctl: Please convert the following to launchd: /etc/mach_init_per_user.d/RemoteUI.plist
11/06/09 07:26:43 com.apple.launchd[75] (com.apple.AirPortBaseStationAgent) Unknown key for boolean: EnableTransactions
11/06/09 07:26:43 com.apple.launchd[75] (org.x.startx) Unknown key for boolean: EnableTransactions
11/06/09 07:26:43 com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.aslmanager) Throttling respawn: Will start in 1 seconds
11/06/09 07:27:03 [0x0-0x12012].com.elgato.eyetvhelper[110] EyeTV Helper version 2.5 build 266
11/06/09 08:58:43 quicklookd[285] [QL ERROR] 'Creating thumbnail' timed out for '<QLThumbnailRequest /Users/fnacfnac/BeComposed_1.5.1.qtz>'
11/06/09 08:58:43 quicklookd[285] [QL ERROR] 'Creating thumbnail' timed out for '<QLThumbnailRequest /Users/fnacfnac/BeComposed_1.5.1.qtz>'
Commence par te créer un VRAI compte utilisateur, pas celui créé par la FNAC avec du tripatouillage potentiel