le site web de l'AFT fait réagir de manière agressive le téléchargement des PDF de l'AFT, pour cause de mauvaise configuration de leur serveur :
Depuis, impossible de visualiser un PDF (macOS High Sierra et Safari 11.1), il y a ces erreurs :
Pire à l'affichage de la page pour l'URL au début, il y a ceci :
Avec Firefox, c'est OK, et on peut néanmoins télécharger le PDF avec Safari.
Important : je n'utilise pas de plug-in. Et j'ai bien coché "Ouvrir automatiquement les fichiers fiables"...
le site web de l'AFT fait réagir de manière agressive le téléchargement des PDF de l'AFT, pour cause de mauvaise configuration de leur serveur :
Depuis, impossible de visualiser un PDF (macOS High Sierra et Safari 11.1), il y a ces erreurs :
Bloc de code:
[Error] [Report Only] Refused to apply a stylesheet because its hash, its nonce, or 'unsafe-inline' appears in neither the style-src directive nor the default-src directive of the Content Security Policy. (367_Bulletin mensuel décembre 2020.pdf, line 0)
[Error] Refused to load mensuel décembre 2020.pdf because it appears in neither the object-src directive nor the default-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
Pire à l'affichage de la page pour l'URL au début, il y a ceci :
Bloc de code:
[Error] [Report Only] Refused to apply a stylesheet because its hash, its nonce, or 'unsafe-inline' appears in neither the style-src directive nor the default-src directive of the Content Security Policy. (12201, line 13)
[Error] [Report Only] Refused to execute a script because its hash, its nonce, or 'unsafe-inline' appears in neither the script-src directive nor the default-src directive of the Content Security Policy. (12201, line 343)
[Error] [Report Only] Refused to load because it appears in neither the img-src directive nor the default-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
[Error] [Report Only] Refused to load because it appears in neither the script-src directive nor the default-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (fr_Vl9iA5x0GE099xtfmyFna3mFxKfLBTkbkKlzypGE8aE.js, line 0)
[Error] Did not load script at '' because non script MIME types are not allowed when 'X-Content-Type: nosniff' is given.
[Error] [Report Only] Refused to load because it appears in neither the script-src directive nor the default-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
[Error] [Report Only] Refused to execute a script because its hash, its nonce, or 'unsafe-inline' appears in neither the script-src directive nor the default-src directive of the Content Security Policy. (12201, line 408)
[Error] [Report Only] Refused to load because it appears in neither the script-src directive nor the default-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
[Error] [Report Only] Refused to connect to mensuels 2020 | Agence France Trésor&sd=24-bit&sr=2048x1152&vp=1548x574&je=1&_u=IEBAAUABAAAAAC~&jid=2088810797&gjid=1310598254&cid=1231387989.1609431254&tid=UA-28315037-1&_gid=531348976.1609431254&_r=1>m=2oubu0&z=428376486 because it appears in neither the connect-src directive nor the default-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
[Error] [Report Only] Refused to connect to because it appears in neither the connect-src directive nor the default-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
Avec Firefox, c'est OK, et on peut néanmoins télécharger le PDF avec Safari.
Important : je n'utilise pas de plug-in. Et j'ai bien coché "Ouvrir automatiquement les fichiers fiables"...