Sujet unique Si le stockage « Système » prend trop de place

Voilà le résultat !

Bloc de code:
macbook-pro-de-alexandre:~ alexandre$ sudo find -x /System/Volumes/Data -d 1 -regex '.*[^\.\].*' -exec sudo du -shx {} +
find: /System/Volumes/Data/.Spotlight-V100: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/boot: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/.PKInstallSandboxManager-SystemSoftware: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/mnt: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/.fseventsd: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/.DocumentRevisions-V100: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/.PreviousSystemInformation: No such file or directory
find: /System/Volumes/Data/.TemporaryItems: No such file or directory
  0B    /System/Volumes/Data/sw
  0B    /System/Volumes/Data/.HFS+ Private Directory Data
1,0K    /System/Volumes/Data/home
1,2G    /System/Volumes/Data/usr
947M    /System/Volumes/Data/.Spotlight-V100
8,0K    /System/Volumes/Data/.DS_Store
4,0K    /System/Volumes/Data/.installer-compatibility
275M    /System/Volumes/Data/boot
  0B    /System/Volumes/Data/.PKInstallSandboxManager-SystemSoftware
1,6M    /System/Volumes/Data/
  0B    /System/Volumes/Data/.file
6,1G    /System/Volumes/Data/Library
3,0G    /System/Volumes/Data/System
  0B    /System/Volumes/Data/mnt
131M    /System/Volumes/Data/.fseventsd
6,5G    /System/Volumes/Data/private
 32M    /System/Volumes/Data/.DocumentRevisions-V100
  0B    /System/Volumes/Data/.vol
 33G    /System/Volumes/Data/Users
 29G    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications
  0B    /System/Volumes/Data/opt
672K    /System/Volumes/Data/.PreviousSystemInformation
  0B    /System/Volumes/Data/Volumes
  0B    /System/Volumes/Data/.TemporaryItems
  0B    /System/Volumes/Data/cores

PS : Désolé pour l'attente j'avais des soucis perso à régler ^^
Je comptabilise 80,2 Gi = 86 Go de fichiers catalogués. Plus que de blocs occupés (75 Go) quand tu avais posté le 1er tableau > mais tu as pu entre temps ajouter des fichiers. Ces fichiers se distribuent en :

- fichiers dédiés à l'utilisateur : Users 33 Gi + Applications (rien que les logiciels tiers ici) 29 Gi => 62 Gi = 67 Go
- fichiers du Système (données variables de l'OS) = le reste soit 86 Go - 67 Go = 19 Go

Le Système strict a donc une taille de 15,8 Go (données constantes de Macintosh HD) + 19 Go (données variables du volume-Données) = 34,8 Go + 5 Go des 3 volumes auxiliaires du Conteneur = 39,8 Go. Le gros des données réside dans les Utilisateurs (33 Gi = 36 Go) et Applications (29 Gi = 31 Go - rien que les logiciels tiers dans le volume-Données).
  • est-ce que la taille de ces dossiers te surprend ?
Pour les applications, non ça me surprends plus, la suite adobe n'est pas comptabilisé. "Informations Système" affiche que j'ai 14,06 Go d'applications alors qu'il reste environ 16 Go de données d'applications de la suite adobe (contenue dans des dossiers).

Pour ce qui est des utilisateurs, c'est je penses la partie "Bibliothèque" et notamment mes fichiers OneDrive qui ne sont pas comptabilisés par "Informations système", ce qui représente 17Go.

Du coup si on additionne les 2 ça fait près de 30Go, certes il manque 19Go à la liste (dont je ne sais pas où ils se trouvent) mais ça me donne une bonne impression de où sont ces "Données système".

Non ça me ne surprends pas du coup. Ma simple question, existe-t-il une solution pour que le système d'exploitation comptabilise ces données (notamment la suite adobe) dans la partie Applications ou dans d'autre catégories ?
Tu as 29 Gi = 31 Go d'Applications (tierces) + 33 Gi = 36 Go dans Utilisateurs.

- tu peux passer les commandes (séparément l'une de l'autre) :​
Bloc de code:
sudo du -sh /System/Volumes/Data/Ap*/*
sudo du -sh /Users/*
sudo du -sh ~/*
  • qui mesurent (en Gi) : les logiciels tiers dans Applications (du volume-Données) > les dossiers de comptes dans les Utilisateurs > enfin les sous-dossiers de ton dossier de compte d'utilisateur connecté

Poste les retours.
Bloc de code:
7,4M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
137M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
162M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/AdGuard for
3,7G    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/Adobe After Effects 2021
100K    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/Adobe Creative Cloud
2,0G    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/Adobe Illustrator 2021
2,6G    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/Adobe InDesign 2021
1,1G    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/Adobe
3,2G    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/Adobe Media Encoder 2021
3,6G    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/Adobe Photoshop 2021
8,6M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
622M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
317M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
 15M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
178M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
186M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
5,4M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/Full Page Screen Capture -
895M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/Google
5,8M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
330M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
162M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/Logi
1,7G    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/MAMP
 40M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
1,9G    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/Microsoft
1,7G    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/Microsoft
252M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/Microsoft
2,2G    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/Microsoft
286M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
118M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
 14M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
551M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
115M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
325M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
280M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
140M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
 46M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
473M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/Utilities
134M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
359M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/
205M    /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/

Bloc de code:
macbook-pro-de-alexandre:~ alexandre$ sudo du -sh /Users/*
4,0K    /Users/Guest
1,1G    /Users/Shared
104M    /Users/administrateur (Supprimé)
 32G    /Users/alexandre

Bloc de code:
macbook-pro-de-alexandre:~ alexandre$ sudo du -sh ~/*
  0B    /Users/alexandre/Applications
1,4M    /Users/alexandre/Desktop
1,1G    /Users/alexandre/Documents
296K    /Users/alexandre/Downloads
 15G    /Users/alexandre/Library
431M    /Users/alexandre/Livres
6,1G    /Users/alexandre/Movies
 17M    /Users/alexandre/Music
  0B    /Users/alexandre/OneDrive
6,8G    /Users/alexandre/Pictures
8,0K    /Users/alexandre/Public
Dans les Applications > tu as une série de logiciels Adobe (7) qui totalisent 16,2 Gi = 17,4 Go. Dans les Utilisateurs > seul le dossier de compte alexandre a une taille notable de 31 Gi = 34,4 Go. Dans ce dossier > c'est la Bibliothèque (invisible) qui totalise 15 Gi = 16,1 Go.

- il n'y pas d'anomalies remarquables.​

je remonte ce post 2 ans plus tard en espérant que Macomaniac passera par là!

Problème identique pour mon Macbook pro. Mid-2012 sous Mojave 10.14.6 Depuis que mon Macbook était devenu hyper lent, J'ai effacé 800 Go de mon SSD 2To mais ils ne reviennent pas. Lorsque je vais sur la barre d'état de stockage (Menu Pomme/a propos de ce mac/Stockage) 2/3 de la barre d'état est utilisée par le système qui utilise 1,42 To d'espace disque !!! De plus, plusieurs fenêtre s'ouvrent de manière récurrente, comme: Suggestd a quitté de manière imprévue/Cloudd a quitté de manière imprévue... et reviennent en permanence lorsque je clique sur "ignorer"

J'ai donc lu tout ce que je pouvais sur ce site, posté un nouveau sujet et commencé un échange avec Macomaniac, mais mon sujet a été éffacé au bout de 2 jours pour une raison que je ne m'explique pas...

Bref. Après avoir effectué toutes les commandes indiquées par Macomaniac (sur ce post et sur d'autres posts) pour controler mon SSD au niveau du Terminal, je n'ai par exemple pas de snapshots bloqués quelques parts dans l'espace temps de mon SSD

Du coup j'ai repris toutes les manip conseillées ci-dessus à LucasCaudron et je suis passé à la désactivation du SIP. Là, contrairement à LucasCaudron, j'ai eu un bon paquet de lignes qui sont sorties, la plupart avec la mention récurrente: "No such file or directory"

Voici donc ci dessous, les retours de mon Terminal dans plusieurs fenêtres de code car on dépasse les 10000 caractères autorisés pour chaque message sur MacG.

Merci à Macomaniac ou à ceux qui pourront m'aider.

Dernière édition par un modérateur:
Bloc de code:
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ sudo find -x / -d 1 -regex '.[I][^\.\].[/I]' -exec sudo du -shx {} +
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/.4FA502DE-AC85-42C7-B548-06F688394877: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Acrobat: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Adobe: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/DJIAssistant2: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Ledger Wallet Ripple: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Linkury.SafariExtInstall: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/MacShape: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Photos_Cache.noindex: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_37EC2906-BBF2-4E6A-8DF8-3FDB255D5E68-2097-000001630FD52AC5: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_4C6A3757-B939-4298-9C0A-D2C22D8E9A32-67488-00023B1112BB06E4: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_57ACEF07-5716-434F-9051-5B62C9248317-26426-00007542A8A31E03: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_5FCCAE58-05D2-41A3-B770-740BE2F800DB-61412-00020C422DE37588: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_9F0F4EAE-2CC6-44F9-8516-843C7798A32E-560-00000052B7074144: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_A6B169BD-8037-45D3-86C8-8C5EC2D75155-696-000001A9169E191B: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_CE03B864-7A64-4EA0-A39C-0866498D6D45-32193-0000DEBFFB280419: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_D5C8CD30-3DF1-49DC-B38B-765AD75BB6D4-1244-0000018502D768A4: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_F6951FE7-EBA8-4172-8C6A-2EC60AE99E4B-28890-0000A2E564067B17: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_F6DF8D09-F8E0-4CB5-8BB4-15754F8AC104-52599-0001ADF3751E0B9A: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/chrome_crashpad_handler: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.Breakpad.crash_report_sender: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.Google.GoogleEarthPro: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.adobe.Reader: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.azureus.vuze: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.cadsofttools.cstcadnavigator: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.dashlane.DashlaneAgent: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.dashlane.DashlanePluginService: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.disc-soft.DAEMONToolsLite: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.electron.neon: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.electron.neon.ShipIt: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.malwarebytes.mbam.frontend.application: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/desktop.WhatsApp: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/knowledge-agent: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/mbuseragent: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/org.Safari.SearchAppExtension: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/org.libreoffice.script: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/org.mozilla.crashreporter: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/us.zoom.xos: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/webview: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_0096A0D5-A034-4992-878A-06D51C12EA8C-792-0000004E790E4857: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_DDB94494-94FC-4F1B-8A16-F38273423DAE-14325-000024F2AC5B59E8: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_12E9BDFE-40C3-4575-A198-104A804F01FC-635-000000564B959ED6: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_19939678-DD64-4D03-9E80-FF97A6DED1A9-7555-000024221ACE27D9: No such file or directory
find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.Google.GoogleEarthPro: No such file or directory
  0B    /.HFS+ Private Directory Data
1,0K    /home
449M    /usr
300K    /Coot
589M    /.Spotlight-V100
1,0K    /net
 12K    /.DS_Store
8,0K    /Contenu Iomega HDD avant plantage
  0B    /.PKInstallSandboxManager-SystemSoftware
2,5M    /bin
4,0K    /app.conf
  0B    /installer.failurerequests
  0B    /Network
1,0M    /sbin
  0B    /.file
  0B    /etc
  0B    /var
6,7G    /Library
  0B    /.Trashes
7,1G    /System
 60K    /.fseventsd
3,4G    /private
1,3G    /.DocumentRevisions-V100
  0B    /.vol

Bloc de code:
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/.4FA502DE-AC85-42C7-B548-06F688394877: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Acrobat: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Adobe: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/DJIAssistant2: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Ledger Wallet Ripple: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Linkury.SafariExtInstall: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/MacShape: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Photos_Cache.noindex: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_37EC2906-BBF2-4E6A-8DF8-3FDB255D5E68-2097-000001630FD52AC5: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_4C6A3757-B939-4298-9C0A-D2C22D8E9A32-67488-00023B1112BB06E4: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_57ACEF07-5716-434F-9051-5B62C9248317-26426-00007542A8A31E03: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_5FCCAE58-05D2-41A3-B770-740BE2F800DB-61412-00020C422DE37588: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_9F0F4EAE-2CC6-44F9-8516-843C7798A32E-560-00000052B7074144: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_A6B169BD-8037-45D3-86C8-8C5EC2D75155-696-000001A9169E191B: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_CE03B864-7A64-4EA0-A39C-0866498D6D45-32193-0000DEBFFB280419: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_D5C8CD30-3DF1-49DC-B38B-765AD75BB6D4-1244-0000018502D768A4: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_F6951FE7-EBA8-4172-8C6A-2EC60AE99E4B-28890-0000A2E564067B17: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_F6DF8D09-F8E0-4CB5-8BB4-15754F8AC104-52599-0001ADF3751E0B9A: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/chrome_crashpad_handler: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.Breakpad.crash_report_sender: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.Google.GoogleEarthPro: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.adobe.Reader: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.azureus.vuze: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.cadsofttools.cstcadnavigator: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.dashlane.DashlaneAgent: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.dashlane.DashlanePluginService: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.disc-soft.DAEMONToolsLite: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.electron.neon: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.electron.neon.ShipIt: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.malwarebytes.mbam.frontend.application: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/desktop.WhatsApp: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/knowledge-agent: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/mbuseragent: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/org.Safari.SearchAppExtension: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/org.libreoffice.script: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/org.mozilla.crashreporter: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/us.zoom.xos: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/webview: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_0096A0D5-A034-4992-878A-06D51C12EA8C-792-0000004E790E4857: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_DDB94494-94FC-4F1B-8A16-F38273423DAE-14325-000024F2AC5B59E8: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_12E9BDFE-40C3-4575-A198-104A804F01FC-635-000000564B959ED6: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_19939678-DD64-4D03-9E80-FF97A6DED1A9-7555-000024221ACE27D9: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.Google.GoogleEarthPro: No such file or directory
516G    /Users
7,8G    /Previous System
 16G    /Applications
4,5K    /dev
  0B    /Volumes
  0B    /.TemporaryItems
  0B    /tmp
  0B    /cores
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$
Bloc de code:
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ sudo du -sh /Users/*
4,0K    /Users/Guest
4,0K    /Users/MacBookPat
 72M    /Users/Shared
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/.4FA502DE-AC85-42C7-B548-06F688394877: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Acrobat: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Adobe: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/DJIAssistant2: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Ledger Wallet Ripple: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Linkury.SafariExtInstall: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/MacShape: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Photos_Cache.noindex: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_37EC2906-BBF2-4E6A-8DF8-3FDB255D5E68-2097-000001630FD52AC5: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_4C6A3757-B939-4298-9C0A-D2C22D8E9A32-67488-00023B1112BB06E4: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_57ACEF07-5716-434F-9051-5B62C9248317-26426-00007542A8A31E03: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_5FCCAE58-05D2-41A3-B770-740BE2F800DB-61412-00020C422DE37588: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_9F0F4EAE-2CC6-44F9-8516-843C7798A32E-560-00000052B7074144: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_A6B169BD-8037-45D3-86C8-8C5EC2D75155-696-000001A9169E191B: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_CE03B864-7A64-4EA0-A39C-0866498D6D45-32193-0000DEBFFB280419: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_D5C8CD30-3DF1-49DC-B38B-765AD75BB6D4-1244-0000018502D768A4: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_F6951FE7-EBA8-4172-8C6A-2EC60AE99E4B-28890-0000A2E564067B17: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_F6DF8D09-F8E0-4CB5-8BB4-15754F8AC104-52599-0001ADF3751E0B9A: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/chrome_crashpad_handler: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.Breakpad.crash_report_sender: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.Google.GoogleEarthPro: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.adobe.Reader: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.azureus.vuze: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.cadsofttools.cstcadnavigator: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.dashlane.DashlaneAgent: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.dashlane.DashlanePluginService: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.disc-soft.DAEMONToolsLite: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.electron.neon: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.electron.neon.ShipIt: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.malwarebytes.mbam.frontend.application: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/desktop.WhatsApp: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/knowledge-agent: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/mbuseragent: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/org.Safari.SearchAppExtension: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/org.libreoffice.script: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/org.mozilla.crashreporter: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/us.zoom.xos: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/webview: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_0096A0D5-A034-4992-878A-06D51C12EA8C-792-0000004E790E4857: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_DDB94494-94FC-4F1B-8A16-F38273423DAE-14325-000024F2AC5B59E8: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_12E9BDFE-40C3-4575-A198-104A804F01FC-635-000000564B959ED6: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_19939678-DD64-4D03-9E80-FF97A6DED1A9-7555-000024221ACE27D9: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.Google.GoogleEarthPro: No such file or directory
516G    /Users/thomas
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ sudo du -sh ~/*
8,0K    /Users/thomas/Applications
272K    /Users/thomas/CADSoftTools
388K    /Users/thomas/Creative Cloud Files
3,7G    /Users/thomas/Desktop
 21G    /Users/thomas/Documents
3,2G    /Users/thomas/Downloads
 59M    /Users/thomas/Dropbox
 62G    /Users/thomas/Films Vuze
Bloc de code:
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/.4FA502DE-AC85-42C7-B548-06F688394877: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Acrobat: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Adobe: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/DJIAssistant2: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Ledger Wallet Ripple: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Linkury.SafariExtInstall: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/MacShape: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Photos_Cache.noindex: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_37EC2906-BBF2-4E6A-8DF8-3FDB255D5E68-2097-000001630FD52AC5: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_4C6A3757-B939-4298-9C0A-D2C22D8E9A32-67488-00023B1112BB06E4: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_57ACEF07-5716-434F-9051-5B62C9248317-26426-00007542A8A31E03: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_5FCCAE58-05D2-41A3-B770-740BE2F800DB-61412-00020C422DE37588: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_9F0F4EAE-2CC6-44F9-8516-843C7798A32E-560-00000052B7074144: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_A6B169BD-8037-45D3-86C8-8C5EC2D75155-696-000001A9169E191B: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_CE03B864-7A64-4EA0-A39C-0866498D6D45-32193-0000DEBFFB280419: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_D5C8CD30-3DF1-49DC-B38B-765AD75BB6D4-1244-0000018502D768A4: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_F6951FE7-EBA8-4172-8C6A-2EC60AE99E4B-28890-0000A2E564067B17: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_F6DF8D09-F8E0-4CB5-8BB4-15754F8AC104-52599-0001ADF3751E0B9A: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/chrome_crashpad_handler: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.Breakpad.crash_report_sender: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.Google.GoogleEarthPro: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.adobe.Reader: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.azureus.vuze: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.cadsofttools.cstcadnavigator: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.dashlane.DashlaneAgent: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.dashlane.DashlanePluginService: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.disc-soft.DAEMONToolsLite: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.electron.neon: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.electron.neon.ShipIt: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.malwarebytes.mbam.frontend.application: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/desktop.WhatsApp: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/knowledge-agent: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/mbuseragent: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/org.Safari.SearchAppExtension: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/org.libreoffice.script: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/org.mozilla.crashreporter: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/us.zoom.xos: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/webview: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_0096A0D5-A034-4992-878A-06D51C12EA8C-792-0000004E790E4857: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_DDB94494-94FC-4F1B-8A16-F38273423DAE-14325-000024F2AC5B59E8: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_12E9BDFE-40C3-4575-A198-104A804F01FC-635-000000564B959ED6: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_19939678-DD64-4D03-9E80-FF97A6DED1A9-7555-000024221ACE27D9: No such file or directory
du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.Google.GoogleEarthPro: No such file or directory
134G    /Users/thomas/Library
4,0K    /Users/thomas/Luniistore
165G    /Users/thomas/Movies
3,8G    /Users/thomas/Music
111G    /Users/thomas/Pictures
 15M    /Users/thomas/Public
428K    /Users/thomas/Samsung
 12G    /Users/thomas/iCloud Drive (archive)
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$
Bloc de code:
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ sudo find -x / -d 1 -regex '.[I][^\.\].[/I]' -exec sudo du -shx {} +
-bash: Pat-MacBook-Pro:~: command not found
You have new mail in /var/mail/MacBookPat
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ Password:
-bash: Password:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/.4FA502DE-AC85-42C7-B548-06F688394877: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Acrobat: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Adobe: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/DJIAssistant2: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Ledger Wallet Ripple: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Linkury.SafariExtInstall: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/MacShape: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Photos_Cache.noindex: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_37EC2906-BBF2-4E6A-8DF8-3FDB255D5E68-2097-000001630FD52AC5: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_4C6A3757-B939-4298-9C0A-D2C22D8E9A32-67488-00023B1112BB06E4: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_57ACEF07-5716-434F-9051-5B62C9248317-26426-00007542A8A31E03: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_5FCCAE58-05D2-41A3-B770-740BE2F800DB-61412-00020C422DE37588: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_9F0F4EAE-2CC6-44F9-8516-843C7798A32E-560-00000052B7074144: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_A6B169BD-8037-45D3-86C8-8C5EC2D75155-696-000001A9169E191B: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_CE03B864-7A64-4EA0-A39C-0866498D6D45-32193-0000DEBFFB280419: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_D5C8CD30-3DF1-49DC-B38B-765AD75BB6D4-1244-0000018502D768A4: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_F6951FE7-EBA8-4172-8C6A-2EC60AE99E4B-28890-0000A2E564067B17: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_F6DF8D09-F8E0-4CB5-8BB4-15754F8AC104-52599-0001ADF3751E0B9A: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/chrome_crashpad_handler: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.Breakpad.crash_report_sender: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.Google.GoogleEarthPro: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.adobe.Reader: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.azureus.vuze: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.cadsofttools.cstcadnavigator: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.dashlane.DashlaneAgent: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.dashlane.DashlanePluginService: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.disc-soft.DAEMONToolsLite: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.electron.neon: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.electron.neon.ShipIt: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.malwarebytes.mbam.frontend.application: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/desktop.WhatsApp: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/knowledge-agent: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/mbuseragent: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/org.Safari.SearchAppExtension: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/org.libreoffice.script: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/org.mozilla.crashreporter: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/us.zoom.xos: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/webview: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_0096A0D5-A034-4992-878A-06D51C12EA8C-792-0000004E790E4857: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_DDB94494-94FC-4F1B-8A16-F38273423DAE-14325-000024F2AC5B59E8: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_12E9BDFE-40C3-4575-A198-104A804F01FC-635-000000564B959ED6: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_19939678-DD64-4D03-9E80-FF97A6DED1A9-7555-000024221ACE27D9: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Bloc de code:
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ find: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.Google.GoogleEarthPro: No such file or directory
-bash: find:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$   0B/.HFS+ Private Directory Data
-bash: 0B/.HFS+: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ 1,0K/home
-bash: 1,0K/home: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ 449M/usr
-bash: 449M/usr: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ 300K/Coot
-bash: 300K/Coot: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ 589M/.Spotlight-V100
-bash: 589M/.Spotlight-V100: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ 1,0K/net
-bash: 1,0K/net: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$  12K/.DS_Store
-bash: 12K/.DS_Store: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ 8,0K/Contenu Iomega HDD avant plantage
-bash: 8,0K/Contenu: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$   0B/.PKInstallSandboxManager-SystemSoftware
-bash: 0B/.PKInstallSandboxManager-SystemSoftware: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ 2,5M/bin
-bash: 2,5M/bin: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ 4,0K/app.conf
-bash: 4,0K/app.conf: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$   0B/installer.failurerequests
-bash: 0B/installer.failurerequests: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$   0B/Network
-bash: 0B/Network: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ 1,0M/sbin
-bash: 1,0M/sbin: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$   0B/.file
-bash: 0B/.file: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$   0B/etc
-bash: 0B/etc: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$   0B/var
-bash: 0B/var: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ 6,7G/Library
-bash: 6,7G/Library: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$   0B/.Trashes
-bash: 0B/.Trashes: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ 7,1G/System
-bash: 7,1G/System: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$  60K/.fseventsd
-bash: 60K/.fseventsd: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ 3,4G/private
-bash: 3,4G/private: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ 1,3G/.DocumentRevisions-V100
-bash: 1,3G/.DocumentRevisions-V100: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$   0B/.vol
-bash: 0B/.vol: No such file or directory
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/.4FA502DE-AC85-42C7-B548-06F688394877: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Acrobat: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Adobe: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/DJIAssistant2: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Ledger Wallet Ripple: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Linkury.SafariExtInstall: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/MacShape: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/Photos_Cache.noindex: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_37EC2906-BBF2-4E6A-8DF8-3FDB255D5E68-2097-000001630FD52AC5: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_4C6A3757-B939-4298-9C0A-D2C22D8E9A32-67488-00023B1112BB06E4: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_57ACEF07-5716-434F-9051-5B62C9248317-26426-00007542A8A31E03: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_5FCCAE58-05D2-41A3-B770-740BE2F800DB-61412-00020C422DE37588: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_9F0F4EAE-2CC6-44F9-8516-843C7798A32E-560-00000052B7074144: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_A6B169BD-8037-45D3-86C8-8C5EC2D75155-696-000001A9169E191B: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_CE03B864-7A64-4EA0-A39C-0866498D6D45-32193-0000DEBFFB280419: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_D5C8CD30-3DF1-49DC-B38B-765AD75BB6D4-1244-0000018502D768A4: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_F6951FE7-EBA8-4172-8C6A-2EC60AE99E4B-28890-0000A2E564067B17: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_F6DF8D09-F8E0-4CB5-8BB4-15754F8AC104-52599-0001ADF3751E0B9A: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/chrome_crashpad_handler: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.Breakpad.crash_report_sender: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.Google.GoogleEarthPro: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.adobe.Reader: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.azureus.vuze: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.cadsofttools.cstcadnavigator: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.dashlane.DashlaneAgent: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.dashlane.DashlanePluginService: No such file or directory
Bloc de code:
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.disc-soft.DAEMONToolsLite: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.electron.neon: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.electron.neon.ShipIt: No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory
-bash: du:: command not found

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory

-bash: du:: command not found

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.malwarebytes.mbam.frontend.application: No such file or directory

-bash: du:: command not found

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/desktop.WhatsApp: No such file or directory

-bash: du:: command not found

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/knowledge-agent: No such file or directory

-bash: du:: command not found

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/mbuseragent: No such file or directory

-bash: du:: command not found

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/org.Safari.SearchAppExtension: No such file or directory

-bash: du:: command not found

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/org.libreoffice.script: No such file or directory

-bash: du:: command not found

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/org.mozilla.crashreporter: No such file or directory

-bash: du:: command not found

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/us.zoom.xos: No such file or directory

-bash: du:: command not found

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/webview: No such file or directory

-bash: du:: command not found

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/ No such file or directory

-bash: du:: command not found

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_0096A0D5-A034-4992-878A-06D51C12EA8C-792-0000004E790E4857: No such file or directory

-bash: du:: command not found

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_DDB94494-94FC-4F1B-8A16-F38273423DAE-14325-000024F2AC5B59E8: No such file or directory

-bash: du:: command not found

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_12E9BDFE-40C3-4575-A198-104A804F01FC-635-000000564B959ED6: No such file or directory

-bash: du:: command not found

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/a_19939678-DD64-4D03-9E80-FF97A6DED1A9-7555-000024221ACE27D9: No such file or directory

-bash: du:: command not found

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ du: /Users/thomas/Library/Caches/com.Google.GoogleEarthPro: No such file or directory

-bash: du:: command not found

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ 516G/Users

-bash: 516G/Users: No such file or directory

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ 7,8G/Previous System

-bash: 7,8G/Previous: No such file or directory

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$  16G/Applications

-bash: 16G/Applications: No such file or directory

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ 4,5K/dev

-bash: 4,5K/dev: No such file or directory

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$   0B/Volumes

-bash: 0B/Volumes: No such file or directory

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$   0B/.TemporaryItems

-bash: 0B/.TemporaryItems: No such file or directory

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$   0B/tmp

-bash: 0B/tmp: No such file or directory

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$   0B/cores

-bash: 0B/cores: No such file or directory

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$
Bonjour esteame

Je te conseille d'arrêter de passer tes commandes actuelles. L'activation du SIP (protocole de sécurité) multiplie ces dénis d'accès en lecture à des objets protégés --> lesquels rendent les tableaux quasi illisibles.

- pour désactiver le SIP > redémarre > les 2 touches ⌘R (cmd R) tenues pressées de l'écran noir => à la  = démarrage sur l'OS de secours. Tu obtiens un écran affichant une fenêtre de 4 Utilitaires macOS. Va à la barre de menus supérieure de l'écran > Menu Utilitaires > sous-menu : Terminal.​

Lance-le et passe la commande :
Bloc de code:
csrutil disable
  • qui désactive le SIP

Cela fait > quitte le Terminal > va à : Menu  > Redémarrer.


De retour dans ta session > passe une commande :
Bloc de code:
diskutil list internal
  • qui affiche le configuration du disque interne et l'occupation des blocs des volumes du Conteneur apfs

Poste le tableau obenu => que je voie l'occupation de Macintosh HD.
Merci de ton retour ultra rapide... Les retours de Terminal que je viens de poster, sont le résultat après que j'ai désactivé le SIP comme je l'ai indiqué dans mon premier post ci-dessus. pour ce faire, J'ai suivi scrupuleusement la procédure que tu avais indiqué à lucas caudron et que tu viens de me transmettre à l'instant.

voici le résultat de "diskutil list internal" que tu viens de me demander:

Bloc de code:
MacBookPat$diskutil list internal
-bash: Pat-MacBook-Pro:~: command not found
You have new mail in /var/mail/MacBookPat
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$

Comme ce résultat me semblait incohérent, je viens de retaper la commande dont voici un résultat plus cohérent:

Bloc de code:
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ diskutil list internal
/dev/disk0 (internal, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *2.1 TB     disk0
   1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk0s1
   2:                 Apple_APFS Container disk1         2.1 TB     disk0s2

/dev/disk1 (synthesized):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      APFS Container Scheme -                      +2.1 TB     disk1
                                 Physical Store disk0s2
   1:                APFS Volume Macintosh SSD           2.0 TB     disk1s1
   2:                APFS Volume Preboot                 24.6 MB    disk1s2
   3:                APFS Volume Recovery                507.6 MB   disk1s3
   4:                APFS Volume VM                      3.2 GB     disk1s4

Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$
Passe la commande :
Bloc de code:
csrutil status
  • qui affiche le statut du SIP

Poste le retour. Je ne peux pas croire qu'autant de dénis d'accès retournés par ta toute 1ère commande ne proviennent pas d'une activation du SIP.
et pourtant voici le retour:

Bloc de code:
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$ csrutil status
System Integrity Protection status: disabled.
Pat-MacBook-Pro:~ MacBookPat$
Le SIP est bien désactivé pourtant. Bon : le volume de démarrage Macintosh HD a une occupation de blocs de 2 To (ce qui doit être une valeur arrondie). En regard > j'ai comptabilisé (péniblement) 559,3 Gi = 600 Go de fichiers catalogués. Ce qui fait une occupation de blocs fantôme (sans fichiers catalogués en correspondance) de 1,4 To.

- un tel espace occupé fantôme peut avoir plusieurs causes : soit des snapshots (instantanés apfs archivant des états passés du volume qui retiennent comme occupés tous les blocs correspondants - même si tu as ensuite supprimé des tas de ces fichiers --> ils sont désindexés du catalogue des fichiers > mais les blocs ne sont pas libérés) > soit une erreur dans l'apfs (snapshot corrompu non listable régulièrement mais actif pour verrouiller des blocs > ou erreur du spaceman qui est le gestionnaire de l'allocation des blocs de l'apfs).​

On enquête donc sur ce qui fait que 1,4 To environ est constitué de blocs occupés sans fichiers catalogués en correspondance. Passe la commande :
Bloc de code:
diskutil ap listSnaps disk1s1
  • qui liste les instantanés associés à Macintosh HD

Poste le retour.

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