pentax K10D/samsung GX-10

le véritqble concurrent du Pentax, c'est les Nikon ou alors le futur 40D chez Canon, la 400D n'est pas dans la même gamme d'utilisation.

le poids est une chose importante : même si ça te détruit l'épaule, ça te permet aussi d'être plus stable… ;)

le K10 est éeilleur que le K100 mais aussi plus compliqué d'utilisation… faut pas non plus que ça te freine un boitier. ;)

pour Cricri, je suis en suisse, n'hésite pas a rappeler mais les discussions sur ichat, ca va etre dur
Alèm !! Enfin !!! ;) :D

Pas trop bleues les images avec le Pentax.
Le RAW du Pentax a l'air complexe à gérer pour Aperture ?
Le JPG semble être moyen avec le Pentax. Mais quel est l'intérêt du JPG?
Tu préfères le Nikon ?
Mise au point et déclenchement bruyants pour le K10D ?

Morceaux choisis :

- WIth at least three lenses (21mm/3.2, Limited 31mm, 40mm/2.8) you can put a Pentax in the pocket of a big jacket. You cannot think of doing it with Canons and Nikons, unless you disassemble the lens, which sounds unpractical to me

- Pentax's Anti shake is a killer feature (I own a Sony a100 and had Minolta cameras w/ anitahke bfore this camera). This feature is the biggest reason to buy a Pentax (or Sony). This feature is so good that most of us who have it won't buy a camera w/o it.

- The K10 has a slow AF system and doesn't match Canon and Nikon for image quality when shooting jpg's which is what most people are using. The nonsense about how most DSLR users shoot only in RAW is a falsehood

- I own the camera. You will not be able to see any difference in JPEG settings between any camera and the k10d till over a 100 percent crop. Also, the "softness" leaves out all those nasty halos lower-level nikons and canons have. Remember the d200? Has the same "problem" the k10d has, it protects detail.

- For that matter, Phil didn't bother changing to the "bright" setting that he tested the oh so sharp k100d on. If you want Canon halos out of the Pentax simply switch modes.

- Seems a whole lot of you are pretty pigheaded and slow to understand all this.

- Canon and Nikon have a great range of lenses but dear me, have you seen the price of the things?

- Could you tell me the Image Stabilized lenses, Canon or Nikon, at a price the amateur shooting in JPEG can afford?

- I don't have a D80, but I did have the K10 and 30D at the same time and in low light (indoors, at night, normal to dim lighting) the 30D was much, much faster than the K10

- I don't have a D80, but I did have the K10 and 30D at the same time and in low light (indoors, at night, normal to dim lighting) the 30D was much, much faster than the K10
From what I've read of the Pentax AF the K10 has the same slow lowlight AF problem that has plagued all the Pentax DSLRs.
The XTi and D80 both have better AF systems...

- ...I don't always agree with Phil's camera review conclusions but he's usually right when comes to comparisons of image quality. His IQ ratings for the XTi, D80, Alpha and K10D on a scale of 1 to 10 are as follows:

Canon XTi - 8.5

Nikon D80 - 8.0

SONY A100 - 8.0

Pentax K10D - 7.5

- Phil specifically mentioned in his K10 review that he saw MORE DETAIL in the K10 RAW image than the D80

- "Removing the camera's built-in image processor and instead processing using a standard converter (in this case Adobe Camera RAW) we see the K10D's true colors, clear crisp images with lots of detail and sharp edges. Indeed there are several parts of the image which look more detailed than the D80."

- The K10D jpgs are excellent, Pentax have just done things differently to other manufacturers, there's more texture detail and less edge sharpness than the average. Anyway, it's been proven by owners in the Pentax forum that if Bright mode is selected rather than Normal then the jpgs are just as sharp as anyone else's as judged in the traditional edge sharpened manner.

- As explained by a Pentax engineer during an interview, the K10D's "Bright" mode is the same as the K100D's "Bright" mode, and Phil was very impressed with the K100D's Bright mode in his K100D review. The only difference is that Bright mode is the default on the K100D, while not the default on the K10D.

- Switching the K10D from "Natural" mode to "Bright" mode for shooting Jpeg is not rocket science, and does not take time away from family, etc.

- Not to make excuses, but I always shoot raw. Running it through a raw converter at default settings doesn't take much time when you don't have time to do all the tweaking you want.

- I used to shoot jpegs and was happy with them on the camera I use, but decided that having the versatility of raw on all shots was worth the inconvenience, because often very informal snaps become favorites.

- I see the four differentiators that the Pentax offers as:

1. Some cool modes and operation, like a sensitivity (ISO) priority automatic and hyper program modes.

2. A great big bright viewfinder

3. The weather proofing seals

4. Image stabilization
- I don't have a D80, but I did have the K10 and 30D at the same time and in low light (indoors, at night, normal to dim lighting) the 30D was much, much faster than the K10
From what I've read of the Pentax AF the K10 has the same slow lowlight AF problem that has plagued all the Pentax DSLRs.
Votre avis là-dessus.
Et sur le bruit du déclencheur et de l'AF par rapport au Nikon D80 par exemple ?

Le firmware 1.11 du K10D est disponible ici :
Changes to v1.11
1. Correspond to development in the RAW data camera when multiple exposing.
2. When built-in flash is used the luminescence control by the trailing-shutter-curtain sync was corrected.
Je rappelle au passage que les firmware Pentax ne peuvent pas être utilisés sur les appareils Samsung (et inversement).


Vous trouverez ici une traduction (Japonais -> Anglais) intéressantes d'une interview des responsables de la division Reflex de Pentax.

On apprend notament que les successeurs des K10D et K100D sont déjà prêt et débarqueront cette année (le cycle de durée de vie va passer de 1 an et demi à 1 an) avant Novembre. Un K1D est également confirmé.


Un test du K10D chez Cuk.


C'est au tour du Samsung GX-10 d'avoir son nouveau firmware.
La version 1.11 est disponible ici.

Au rayon des nouveautés (plus de détails ici) :
1) A built-in flash function in wireless mode has been added.
2) A function that shifts the AF point from “SELECT” to the centre has been added.
3) A function for changing the ISO setting using the e-dials in Tv/Av modes has been added.
4) A function that can change the ISO sensitivity displayed on the upper LCD panel by using the front e-dial has been added.
5) The green button function available in M mode has been added to Tv/Av modes.
6) A function for switching the Av/Tv settings between the front and rear e-dials has been added.
7) A function that sets the strobe light compensation to its default value, using the green button,
has been added.
8) A function that displays the memory size when a memory card is formatted has been added.
Bonjour à tous,

je viens vers vous encore pour un conseil: je peux avoir un très bon prix sur un eos 400D (800€ avec 2 objo, le grip 2 batteries et un CF 2Go), mais j'hésite fortement avec le K10D qui m'a l'air carrément bien.

Que feriez vous à ma place?

merci pour vos réponses
Bonjour à tous,

je viens vers vous encore pour un conseil: je peux avoir un très bon prix sur un eos 400D (800€ avec 2 objo, le grip 2 batteries et un CF 2Go), mais j'hésite fortement avec le K10D qui m'a l'air carrément bien.

Que feriez vous à ma place?

merci pour vos réponses

quels usages, quelles habitudes par rapport à l'utilisation d'un reflex? Le 400D est de toutes façons un bon appareil.